Insights: Locations

Written by our Team

Our aim is to create the largest online location library of the shooting locations Austria has to offer. As a production service company functioning in the country, we weekly make location offers and organize scouts for clients arriving from all around the world. Our independent department, Progressive Locations is constantly searching for new locations throughout Austria. This is how the basis of our library’s development is our active participation in the local production industry. Next to this, we also organize proactive scouts in order for our knowledge and our database to constantly evolve. Behind the images found on our website is another type of awareness; historical, art history and film history knowledge, which are indispensable for being able to respond to our clients’ art direction with the best location offers. In our Insights column we share the knowledge of Progressive’s team with all who are interested. Get to know Austria’s film and photography locations in an European context.

If you are looking for locations in Austria for a specific project, then get in touch with us!
The contact details of our Location team:

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