Green Production Service

Sustainable Shooting Service

Ecologically Conscious Shooting in Hungary

We have experienced a growing interest in sustainable production methods among our clients, which is why we felt that the time has come for an article introducing the Green Production Service Package that we have developed to provide our clients who would like to reduce their production’s carbon footprint. The service ensures an ecologically conscious mindset, therefore our goals are to minimize waste, reuse and recycle, donate, save energy, support local organizations and respect our natural environment. We acknowledge that not all projects are able to assign part of their budget especially for this green service, which is why we keep this optional. Next to our service package, we also strive to make our office life as ecologically-friendly as possible.

We have experienced a growing interest in sustainable production methods among our clients, which is why we felt that the time has come for an article introducing the Green Production Service Package that we have developed to provide our clients who would like to reduce their production’s carbon footprint. The service ensures an ecologically conscious mindset, therefore our goals are to minimize waste, reuse and recycle, donate, save energy, support local organizations and respect our natural environment. We acknowledge that not all projects are able to assign part of their budget especially for this green service, which is why we keep this optional. Next to our service package, we also strive to make our office life as ecologically-friendly as possible.

The Production’s Eco-Supervisor

The central feature of our service is that an eco-supervisor is provided, whose task is to oversee, lead and support the production’s green shift. Before the production, they ensure that all the crew members are informed about the project’s sustainability commitments and the estimated carbon footprint impact of the green shift is calculated by them. They arrange that everything under Progressive’s control is as ecologically friendly as possible. Also, the eco-supervisor gives recommendations to other departments regarding how the crew members can become greener. On set, the eco-supervisor creates conditions in which recycling and energy efficiency is the easiest option for all crew members.

Zero Waste Catering

Another important feature of our Green Production Service Package is that we provide green catering, which is a significant game-changer when aiming to reduce a production’s ecological footprint. Our green catering is supplied by local companies that use seasonal, local, organic produce with vegetarian options. These meals are served either with reusable utensils or high-quality biodegradable ones. To avoid endless amounts of plastic bottles, drinks are served in compostable glasses, reusable bottles and large water dispensers. Onset coffee is served in nametagged, reusable cups from coffee machines using either grounded coffee or biodegradable coffee capsules. Also, fair-trade and local snacks are served that are bought in bulk in order to reduce the use of packaging materials. Leftovers are either donated to shelters, food banks or are taken to be composted.

Sustainable Accommodation and Transport

The third feature of our service is that we ensure that our environmentally conscious clients are able to spend their stay in ways that minimize their carbon footprints and which support green and local companies. When choosing accommodation we make sure the hotel is environmentally conscious and local, as well as aiming to book ones near to the film locations to minimize transport.  Regarding transport, we commit to ordering only electric taxis for our clients from eco-conscious taxi companies. If required we also manage carpooling and route minimization to cut down on the ecological footprint created by transport.

Eco-Friendly Office Life

Our office has also undergone a transition to make the everyday life of Progressive ecologically sustainable. Therefore we commit to recycling our waste and saving energy. We have consciously, radically reduced our use of paper, so we work digitally and only print when it is completely necessary onto recycled paper. We prompt our team to travel to the office on foot, by bike or by public transport. Finally, one of the most significant changes that we, as a production company, can do is to shift from printing call sheets to sending them digitally. This saves a huge amount of paper and also ensures that the crew is completely up to date via special call sheet apps.

We acknowledge that being ecologically conscious is an important and ethical way to produce film and photography shoots. This is why we are glad to have developed this complex green service package of ours, providing all that is essential for a sustainable shoot, if requested by our clients.

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