Szeged is situated in the country’s Southern area and is recognised as one of Hungary’s most beautiful cities full of inspiring film and photography locations. Szeged was founded next to Hungary’s second largest river the Tisza, which has significantly formed its history and architecture. The atmospheric walkways next to the shore are shaded with the memories of river’s floods that have caused significant damage on the city time and time again. One of Szeged’s most exciting shooting locations is the Neo-Romanesque dome that has become the city’s symbol. The square and the dome was built after a harsh flood and is framed by uniformed redbrick buildings making it one of the most atmospheric points of the city and is often used as an event venue. An interesting fact is that the square’s area is precisely the same as Saint Mark’s Square in Venice. Furthermore, the dome’s square is not the only element of the city with Venetian references. The Bridge of Sighs connecting the City Hall and the Bérpalota functions as a passage based on the Venetian bridge. Regardless of these references, the city has not been given the role of Venice in a film so far, but it has doubled as München. Next to Vienna, Barcelona and Brussels Szeged is a member of the Art Nouveau cities network, which is no surprise because nearly 50 Art Nouveau buildings make Szeged even more exceptional.